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Welcome to my online cookbook or recipe blog. All the recipes you’ll find here are vegetarian or vegan, that is the only theme if I can say so. You will find all sorts of recipes, from cakes to healthy stews, from an easy roasted peppers to A Symphony of Textures.

My name is Anca. I’m an expat living in UK, in my 30s. I discovered my passion for cooking after becoming vegetarian 10 years ago. As I always try out new recipes or add new twists to the recipes I’ve made before, I have plenty of recipes to share.
I started this blog because I had a big lists of recipes I’ve already made and didn’t publish on my lifestyle blog. Because I felt they could take over, the only option was to have a new blog.

I cook for me and my gorgeous husband, sometimes for friends and other times for our dog. Beside my everyday recipes, the last 2 years I baked along the Great British Bake Off and it was so much fun. I also have a Taste the World adventure, as I’m cooking meals from every part of the world.


If you want to know more about me, you can have a look at Anca’s Lifestyle, my blog about everyday life, style (beauty and fashion), travel and events, home and my thoughts.

If you don’t want miss a recipe, follow me on Bloglovin or Twitter. On Instagram I’m sharing pictures of food I cook that don’t end up as recipes on the blog and everyday life, a bit of everything. If you want to have a chat, email me at: chef@cookstyle.co.uk, I’ll be happy to hear from you.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello Anca,
    I am looking for a nice terrine recipe for Easter this year. Although we are all practicing “social distancing,” I’d like to make a special terrine for my husband to make this Easter a bit brighter. I am interested in your “Spring Vegetable Terrine with Mushrooms..”. Could you possibly email me that recipe?

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