Apple and Pineapple Crumble

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I’ve had recently some pretty delicious apple crumble at a restaurant. My husband loved it too, so I thought I should make my own version of a crumble. It’s not something I bake often, so I can say that the lovely lunch inspired me. To give it a twist, I made Apple and Pineapple Crumble. It was so good and I will make it again. As the dessert is fruit based, it doesn’t have as much sugar as a regular dessert would have. Although is still a dessert, so be mindful of that.

Apple and Pineapple Crumble

As I’ve used vegan spread instead of butter, the recipe is vegan. The custard is vegan as well, made with apple juice instead of milk. The custard is made similar to the recipe used for the Baked Pineapple with Custard, with some added sugar. The consistency is similar to a standard custard, but the taste is better, as it gets its flavours from the apple juice. Alternatively, you can make it with orange juice or pineapple juice.

Ingredients for the Apple and Pineapple Crumble:

– 1 pineapple, medium size
– 2 British Bramley apples
– 100g porridge oats
– 100g plain white flour
– 75g vegan spread
– 100g sugar
– 3-4 spoons of orange juice
– 2 tsp cinnamon

Cut the pineapple in long strips, then cut each one in three. Wash, peel, de-core, and cut the apples in thick slices. Put them in a bowl with the pineapple pieces and the orange juice. Sprinkle the cinnamon on top and, using a spoon, mix the fruit pieces so the spices are incorporated. Transfer the fruits in the baking tray.

Pre heat the oven at 180C or 160C fan. Meanwhile, in a bowl, put the oats, flour, sugar, and the vegan spread. Using your fingers, incorporate the spread into the flour, until it resembles large breadcrumbs. Put the crumble on top of the fruits.

Put the baking tray in the oven. Bake for about 50 minutes to 1 hour, until the crumble is golden brown.

Apple and Pineapple Crumble. Close up

Serve the crumble hot with custard. You can make the custard while the apple and pineapple crumble is in the oven, baking.

Do you like crumble? What kind of fruits do you use in your crumbles?

6 thoughts on “Apple and Pineapple Crumble

  1. Looks so good with custard sauce! I have never tried the combo of apple and pineapple. Sounds fantastic!

  2. This looks and sounds incredible! I’ve been wanting to get back into baking and haven’t made a crumble for a good while. I love the idea of adding pineapple as it’s so unusual and perfect for summer time. Definitely going to have a go at this! 🙂 xx


  3. I love crumble, but have never thought of making a crumble with pineapple. It sounds lovely. Have you tried making custard with plant-based milk like almond or coconut?

    1. Yes, with coconut milk. I linked in the recipe the custard made previously, with coconut milk. It needs a pinch (small) of turmeric for colour, but otherwise is just as good as milk-based custard.

  4. This is such a lovely easy desserts, or for tea. Kids love to help with crumbling the butter into the flour – such fun! The oats, apples and pineapple make it pretty healthy too – Yummy!

  5. Peach and rhubarb for me, or apple and loganberry, bur apple and pineapple too.
    Not vegan, so Cornish clotted cream, or extra thick double crean

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