Beetroot Risotto

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A couple of months ago I bought a beetroot pesto and loved it, so I thought I will make my own beetroot-based sauce for rice or pasta, hence my new recipe for Beetroot Risotto. I’ve decided to top the risotto with some delicious pan fried oyster mushrooms.

Close up of Beetroot Risotto

As you can see in the picture, there is a lot of sauce for the amount of rice. You can decide to add all the sauce or keep a bit in a jar in the fridge for a couple of days and use it as a spread for your toast in the morning. The dish takes about 25 minutes to make in total and most of it is waiting time for the rice and mushrooms to cook.
I’ve added nutritional yeast, but you can’t taste it because the beetroot overpowers it. I would still add it because it’s full of B12 and, so, why not? But, if you don’t have it at home you can skip it without any issues.

Beetroot Risotto. Ingredients for 2 servings:

– 140g risotto rice
– 250g beetroot, ready boiled
– 50g fresh basil leaves
– 15g nutritional yeast (optional)
– 35g peanut butter
– 300g oyster mushrooms
– 2 spoons oil
– black pepper
– sea salt

Start by putting the rice in a pan over medium heat with 600ml water. Stir from time to time so it doesn’t catch the bottom of the pan.

Beetroot Risotto

Meanwhile, wash and cut the oyster mushrooms. Heat a frying pan over medium heat and add a spoon of oil. Toss in the sliced mushrooms and leave to cook. The mushrooms will release water and you can have higher heat so the water evaporates faster. When the water evaporated in about 5 minutes or so, reduce the heat so the mushrooms don’t burn. Add the remaining oil and stir to coat the mushrooms. This way they will have the delicious taste, but without having lots of fat at the same time.

While the mushrooms and rice are cooking you can make the beetroot sauce. In a blender put the rest of the ingredients and blend until it creates a smooth paste. Add a bit of water so it has the right consistency and blend. This should take about a minute or two, in total.

Now that the rice is ready, take it off the heat and tip the beetroot sauce on top. Stir to incorporate. Plate the rice and add the mushrooms as topping.

The beetroot risotto is now ready to be served and enjoyed.

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