Parwal warm salad

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Last time when I’ve been to the Oriental supermarket I saw Parwal, I had no idea what it was, but I bought a package to see what I can make of it at home.
I looked online and Parwal is also called Pointed gourd and it’s from the same family as cucumber. I tasted it raw, after it was defrosted and its taste is something between cucumber and unripe watermelon. Apparently it also has a few health benefits like improved digestion, enhance the immunity and the seeds will reduce the cholesterol. I’m not sure about the health claims, but it’s tasty, so I would recommend trying it.


Ingredients for 2 servings of Parwal warm salad:

– 1 package of frozen parwal
– 2 spoons of oil
– sea salt
– pepper
– ground cumin
– sumac


Cut the parwal in 3-4 pieces each. Don’t remove the seeds, they will be deliciously crunchy after frying. Put a pan on the hob over medium heat and add the oil. Tip the parwal pieces on the hot oil and stir with a wooden spoon. Stir from time to time so the vegetable is cooked evenly.
When its almost done, mix in the salt, pepper, cumin and a generous amount of sumac. Stir and leave it to finish cooking. Take the pan off the heat and serve.

Have you ever tried parwal? Do you have any tips for cooking or favourite recipes?

2 thoughts on “Parwal warm salad

  1. This is so exciting! I have never heard of parwal before, but now I feel I have to try it ASAP.
    Thanks for introducing me to such a cool new ingredient 🙂

  2. Parwal ( or parmal ) is one of the few vegetable that I don’t like. I have tried it quite a few times, but didn’t liked it much. However, after looking at the mesmerizing images of parmal, I am thinking of giving it an other try.

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